Training and Solutions

For Organisations


Whether you're a change leader managing critical changes in today's new challenges, or you're building large your internal change capability, we can help you manage your current change strategies. We work with organisations to equip key roles in managing change and to better prepare your leaders to lead change.

Let us help you.


Building Change Management Capability and Skills


Change Management Certification Programme

Our three-day classroom and virtual experiences teach you how to apply change management to your existing projects while helping you grow your change management skills. Combining the Prosci methodology, tools and The Prosci ADKAR® Model, this course will help you achieve project goals.

For Organisations Sponsor

Change Management Sponsor Briefing

The half-day Prosci programme that provides senior leaders with the knowledge and ability to improve change outcomes. Executive sponsorship has been cited as the greatest contributor to successful change in all of Prosci’s benchmarking studies—by a three-to-one margin. 

For Organisations LYTTC

Leading Your Team Through Change Workshop

The 1-day Prosci workshop, that allows managers to gain the skills to address barriers to change and lead their teams proactively to a future state with improved organisational results. This programme provides managers with the practical framework and toolset they need to be effective change leaders. 

For Organisations TCOC

Taking Charge of Change Workshop

Provides participants with an understanding of the fundamental concepts and organisational benefits of effective change management. The programme applies five tenets of change management to a specific project or change initiative to build awareness and desire for change management. 


Enterprise Change Management Boot Camp

The 1-day Prosci Enterprise Change Management (ECM) Boot Camp kick-starts an organisation’s journey toward change capability. During the Boot Camp, participants learn to understand current levels of capability, clearly define future state, and begin to lay a path forward toward reaching the desired level of organisational capability.

For Organisations ECM


MAP for Org

Methodology Application Programme

Our Methodology Application Programme (MAP) zeroes in on what's new in the updated, more actionable and accessible methodology—and the benefits to you and your organisation.

For Organisations DPR v2

Delivering Project Results

The Prosci 1-day workshop that is results-oriented and enables project managers to integrate change management into active projects, a practice that is key in delivering enhanced results. 

For Organisations Agile

Integrating Agile and Change Management 

Explore the latest research and build specific tactics and plans for adapting change management to Agile iterative development. Learn about the best practices and frameworks for applying change management in an Agile environment.

Change Management Employee Orientation

The programme equips front-line employees with the framework and skills to lead themselves through change and transform their organisation from a culture of resistance to a culture of resilience. 

For Organisations Employee


Building Organisational Capability in Change as a Core Competency

Strategic Alignment Workshop

Prosci’s Strategic Alignment Workshop helps you effectively communicate the reasons behind launching an enterprise-wide approach to change management to align key stakeholders and staff with a common goal. We offer the help of an expert change management facilitator and a bevy of tools at your disposal. This workshop accelerates your organisation's change capability development, giving you a plan that will turn your vision into a reality.

SA for Orgs


For Organisations TTT L1

Prosci® Train the Trainer Level 1

Train-the-Trainer Programme Level 1 prepares you to internally teach programmes for front-line employees, people managers, and project managers and teams. If you're looking to provide training for additional change practitioners and senior leaders, Level 1 serves as a prerequisite to Level 2, which enables you to develop practitioners and sponsors in change.


For Organisations TTT level 2

Prosci® Train the Trainer Level 2

Train-the-Trainer Programme Level 2 enables you to expand your reach from Level 1 and teach the Change Management Practitioner Programme and Change Management Sponsor Briefing.  In both Level's 1 and 2, you'll learn how to deliver your internal role-based training in person and virtually.

For Organisations eLearning

Prosci®  eLearning Solutions

By licensing our eLearning modules for your organisation, you give your employees a library of knowledge they can access anytime. Prosci eLearning modules have been specially developed to accelerate your organisation’s change management capability, whether you need specific support for certain roles or a wholesale boost to the change-readiness of your organisation.

Prosci® Licensing

Prosci Licensing solutions give you unlimited access to Prosci's patented change management tools and methodologies. Plus, you can customise training materials to align with your unique corporate culture and change management practices. These Licenses offer a cost-effective, scalable approach to change management, with flexible options to meet the needs of the particular stage of your change management journey. 

Licensing for Orgs v2

Enquire about training for your organisation